K-12 Education Credit Assignment Program.Tax Relief for Deceased Active-Duty Military.Tax Debt Relief for Active-Duty Military.Tax Relief for Spouses of Servicemembers.Credit for Military Service in a Combat Zone.Military Service Credit for Deceased Taxpayer.Minnesota Taxation of Gambling Winnings.Appeals, Audits, and Penalty Abatements.Alternative Minimum Tax Credit (Schedule M1MTC).Reservation Income for American Indians.Gain from the Sale of a Farm: Insolvent Farmer.Education Savings Account Recapture Tax.Education Savings Account Contributions.AmeriCorps Programs Post-Service Awards.Age 65 or Older or Disabled Subtraction.Master's Degree in Teacher's Licensure Field.State or Local Government Bond Interest.

Section 179 Addback Example 2 - Sole Proprietor.Section 179 Addback Example 1 - Sole Proprietor.First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Addition.Accelerated Recognition of Installment Sale Gains.Log in to Referring Agencies e-Services.